Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Beagle puppies

On 26/10/08, Liam & Wanzi went to Pet Safari @ Simei to see the mini beagle puppies. They adopted me when i was turning one and all they have is one little pic of me while i was younger...

Imagine 2 grown ups, squatting by the glass panel... going "goo goo gaa gaa" over the 2 beagles puppies... "Awww so cute etc"... I'm so jealous obviously!

See, i AM very cute too!
Dear furry pals...
Care to share some of your puppies pics with me? I wanna see!! Heehee...

Liam & Wanzi: Hey Mino! That's because we've never seen a real beagle puppy with our very own eyes, nor held it in our hands before... we can't help thinking how is Mino like when she was younger? Is she a terrorist like she is now?! Oops! Kidding~


bagel said...

hey you might want to visit my blog for some beagle puppies pics. My beagle is 11mths now. But she looks different from your beagle, she's bigger with darker brown and has a longer muzzle. Haha so yours is cuter. :p O yes and she is a terrorist even till now just as well. You might want to check sugar and posh blogs as well bcos they have a really cute and nice pic of sugar when she was younger. O ya btw, the youngest pic of bagel was when she 2mths, but her pup pics all quite skinny cos she had diarrhoea and vomit during the time the pic was taken. yup so anw here's the blog bagelmybeagle.blogspot.com

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Hey Mino.....we've got some cute puppy photos in our Gallery post on our blog, go check em out! We couldn't send them to you cos we couldn't see your pee-mail address!
Slobbers xx

Cocoa the Beagle said...

Hey Mino,

Mum can never get enough of beagle puppies. Here's some pic of me at 4mths old.


Cocoa and Barley

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Beagle puppies are just too cute!
Mom wishes she had seen me as a puppy. She's sure I was super cute too.

Eduardo said...

Awww beagle puppies! I'll have to post some puppy pics!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Mino!
You are so cute and pretty! I just found your blog and I want to be your friend. Can you believe on it?! Do you wanna see some pictures of a cute Golden Retriever?? Come to my blog!
Seriously, I love your blog!
By the way, beautiful music! That made mom and I smile! :D

Love and licks

Aki and Poopie said...

wow mino.. you were so cute as a puppy. we love beagles and we really think all dogs in general, more esp. beagles, look absolutely cute without any effort.

drooly kisses,


Lois Lane/Laney said...

Sure, Mino! Here's a link to a larger size of my picture so you can scale it down if need be: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3164/3056355514_163b8ed4c2_o.jpg

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Oops.. that's http://www.flickr.com/photos/scifichick/3056355514/sizes/o/

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Hmm.. it's not typing all out.

Mino said...

Dear Bagel, Dughallmore Beagles (Rosie, Alfie, Snoop & Gabbi), Cocoa & Barley...

Thanks for the lovely puppies pics. Wanzi's totally melting away... i gotta put her back in the freezer to get her back in shape. BOL.

Dear Lois,
Thank you for your cute picture. Love it lots! ^^

Dear Eduardo, Thor & Aki,
So many beautiful pics too... Napping pics, swimming pics, dressed up pics, puppy pics...

You gotta help me freeze Wanzi back.. She's melting away.

Thanks for liking the bgm too! ^_^

With lotsa love,